A podcast about public artists in Canada. Access Episode 105: HERE or search for “Art in the Open” or wherever you get your podcasts.
From Shelley Miller’s studio: “Toronto-based artist Katharine Harvey joins me via Zoom to share her experiences creating public art, both permanent and ephemeral. She has worked on percent-for-art programs and with private developers and public art consultants. She shares her inspiration, her motivation to initiate a mentoring partnership, and lessons she has learned along the way.”
Shelley Miller is a Montreal-based artist who works both in public spaces and with the public. She has created permanent commission artworks and ephemeral sugar murals and community engagement projects. Working with sugar as a medium for nearly 18 years, she uses it to address ideas of taste, desire, consumer culture, excess and greed. Her work with sugar evolved to include murals that address the not-so-sweet history of sugar and its roots in slavery and colonization. She continues to use sugar as a material for its richness in cultural meaning, addressing systems of power and corruption.
Rooted in feminist art practices, Shelley is always looking for ways to give women a bold visual voice in public spaces. She often subverts decorative craft practices traditionally associated with women. Sugar is off the cake, and quilts are out of the house, instead being prominently displayed on city walls. Shelley has created permanent artworks within the healthcare, education, and transportation systems, as well as for private corporations. The artist’s working process is one of inclusion and collaboration. She always considers her audience and the users of a particular space.
In this podcast about public artists in Canada, Shelley interviews Peter Gibson (AKA: Roadsworth) and Philippe Allard, as well as co-owner of m3beton, Claudia Croteau, who, with her brother, runs a specialized concrete company in Montreal that creates unique urban design products, and Melissa Proietti, the backbone of Montreal’s Under Pressure Grafitti Festival that has been running for 26 years.